
Thursday, 14 February 2013

Still Searching For the Best Managed Forex Trading Account Service/Company? Look No Further!

Finding a highly profitable, honest and reliable managed forex trading account service or company could be tough but totally worth the wait considering the huge money making potential this could mean for you.

Forex trading as we all know offers the most liquidity any investor could ever wish for not to mention the tremendous amount of volatility exhibited by the major currency pairs every single trading day, pairs such as the GBPUSD, USDJPY,EURUSD, AUDUSD have an aggregate average daily range of about approximately 45.6 pips.

Investing in the stocks is no longer attractive considering that fund managers always found it increasingly hard to outperform their bests since there were only so much shares of a company to go round investors, liquidity has always been a problem except for heavily funded firm who could afford to diversify their portfolios.
Investing in foreign currencies on the other hand gives both the fund manager and the investor to grow and grow and grow giving that about $4.5 Trillion exchange hands every single trading day, there’s only so much money to make and definitely enough to go around.

You don’t want to start managed forex investing like the loosing majority out there who do not even properly understand the concept of investing with a managed account or fund manager in the first place, so to steer you towards the path treaded by the 2% successful forex investors, let’s dissect and digest this thing!

Managed Forex Account investing is when a person gives their money to a forex fund manager or managed forex account company to trade with for an agreed period of time after which any losses/profits made would be shared in terms of the agreed percentage in the beginning of the contracts.

The problem with traditional forex investing springs from investors having no other choice than to condone with the words of their Fund Manager /Forex Managed Account Company for performance reports and track records with the absence of an unbiased intermediary looking after the best interests of all the parties involved but more importantly to ensure the optimal protection of the invested funds.

Fund Managers and investors either agree on a profit share in percentage, profit per trade, or daily access charge terms. The beauty about forex investing is you could even start try it out with very little capital.

Instaforex is the most convenient (and did I mention it is totally free to sign for an account) managed forex account service suitable for both beginner and veteran forex investors, with the instaforex PAMM system forex investors get to choose from a wide range of professional fund managers and even try it investing as little as a dollar with as many fund managers as they please for an agreed period of time.

The instaforex ForexCopy system is a genius form of forex investing where you do not even have to transfer your funds from your investor account to the fund managers account, you only subscribe to their trades and your account copies them automatically, kinda like cloning a pro trader to trade for you (you could even subscribe to as many different traders as you desire, Totally Cool!).

If you’re interested in learning more about forex investing with instaforex, read this post I wrote a couple weeks back on The Best Managed Forex Account Service and you can also sign up to my “Forex Earning While You’re Learning” 5 – Part Mini eCourse towards the bottom of this page.

Advice for Beginner Forex Investors

Many newbie investors rush to invest large amounts of money they cannot afford to lose, please bear in mind that currency trading is a risky vehicle but the rewards are also huge when you take the time to compare it with other financial markets, you could only grow to appreciate finding about how currency trading could be the key to your financial freedom.

The more you learn about online forex currency trading the more edge you’re going to have as a forex investors which ultimately means the more money you’re going to make, so be sure to dedicate some time to learning more about the currency market and am pretty sure you’re not going to regret it.

As always, feel free to drop your questions and comments and I’ll be sure to get back to you ASAP, I hope you found this post helpful and informative, please don’t forget to share it with colleagues, friends and family who’d benefit from reading it.

Wishing you a very profitable, exciting and adventurous forex investing career ahead.


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Anas Abba is an Active Forex Trader and Fund Manager at DigiTrix Fx Firms. His "Crack-the-markets-with-your-mind" Style of trading has helped 100+ of Aspiring Forex Traders all over the world achieve their dreams of Financial Freedom Through Currency Trading. Connect With or Join His "Schooling Y'all on Forex" Community to get The Hottest Forex Trading Tips, Techniques and Strategies.


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