Find Out How You Can Learn To Know about Forex Trading For Free!
So you’re finally in on the buzz on the block about all the money that is to be made from online foreign exchange currency trading and now you want to know how you can learn more about forex trading absolutely free, well that happens to be exactly what we’ll be talking about in this blog posts, all aboard? Let’s go!
Well for starters, ‘forex’ or foreign exchange trading is the simultaneous buying and selling of foreign currencies, with a trading volume of about $4.5 Trillion/day and still growing, the forex is the largest global financial market in the world.
Currency traders buy and sell foreign currencies in the spot forex market with the goal of making a profit from price fluctuations, if you’re reading this article chances are you might be considering having your share of the $4.5 Trillion pie but are totally clueless about how forex trading should be learn the right way.
So to jumpstart your forex trading career on the right direction, here are 5 ways you can learn how to trade the forex for free, but I highly suggest you enroll into a forex trading school, sign up to some mentoring/coaching program or maybe some forex trading course if you’re really serious about making money from trading currencies. Just as you’ve got to go to Med School to become an MD you’ll need to learn the ropes on trading currencies, acquiring quality forex trading education is definitely a good start.
Tip #1
Network with other Traders
If you wanted to become an actor it would only be logical to try to be around actors as much as possible so you could learn from them right? Yep!
Networking with other traders who might be much more experienced than yourself could help to greatly shorten the learning curve you’ll have to undergo to start trading profitably. Hang around forex trading forums, join groups on Facebook, follow your trading mentors on Twitter and don’t forget to join Forex Trading communities on Google plus too!
This gives you the chance to ask and get answers from a wide variety of people with a wealth of trading experience, shaping and molding your personality not just as a currency trader but also as a person. Just don’t go taking trade recommendations because someone you follow or listen to said so, I said network with other traders, not be their clone.
Just take in as much as you can from them, keep what works and drop what doesn’t, you’ll find that trading would only ever get easier and more interesting!
Tip #2
Teach others what You’ve Been Taught
Having a hard time trying to understand something you were taught? Try teaching it to someone else you’ll be amazed at the outcome. I find this to be especially true when it comes to forex trading.
Usually when I teach some traders how to implement some beginner friendly trading strategy they find it confusing to really grasp the logic behind the working components of that particular trading strategy so what I do is play the part of the inexperienced trader and have them teach me what I just taught them, that way when we’re done I will know exactly where the misconceptions lie and correct them immediately.
I might not have taught you some trading strategy to work with, someone else might have or some else probably could, if you find it hard to understand try explaining it to the person who taught to so he could correct you if you misunderstood something or try teaching an entirely different person who knows nothing about trading, as you explain it to them you’ll find yourself really understanding what you’re teaching that person.
Tip #3
Practice what you’ve learnt on a Demo Trading Account
Practice forex trading on a demo account until you start getting the results you’d initially set out to get.
Keeping a trading journal can also go a long way helping you to become a disciplined super trader and in shaping your person. Being accountable to that little black book in your trading office would ensure you don’t make the same mistakes ever again.
Write down everything, from the emotions you get after spotting setups through to your trade entry, management and exit strategy, leave absolutely nothing out!
Tip #4
Stay Away From Automated Forex Trading Softwares and Robots
One very huge mistake made by new and struggling forex trader is without doubt entertaining the notion that some automated forex trading software could trade the for them and make millions overnight, save yourself the pain, it truly doesn’t exist and yes there’s also no Holy Grail forex trading system, smart of you to have asked. : -D
Tip #5
Find a Mentor
A mentor could be your friend, colleague or even family if you’re happen to be related to some pro trader.
The mentor – mentee relationship should be founded on trust and respect, a good mentor should always look after your best interests and guide you onto the right path to building a solid foundation for your trading career.
If you follow the first tip, which is to network with other traders on all those social outlets I suggested, you should be well on your way to finding someone you’ll come to trust and respect with whom you can connect and learn, only though, there lots of imposters on the internet so pick your mentors wisely.
Ok that’s it folks, hope you found this information helpful; don’t forget to drop your questions and comments I’ll be sure to get back at them ASAP. Thanks for reading.
Anas Abba is an Active Forex Trader and Fund Manager at DigiTrix Fx Firms. His "Crack-the-markets-with-your-mind" Style of trading has helped 100+ of Aspiring Forex Traders all over the world achieve their dreams of Financial Freedom Through Currency Trading. Connect With Anas Abba (Forex Coach) on Google+ or Join His "Schooling Y'all on Forex" Community to get The Hottest Forex Trading Tips, Techniques and Strategies.
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