
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The Best Forex Trading Hours to Trade

Not all Forex Trading Hours are equal even though it is a known fact that one of the advantages of trading the Forex is that it is a 24 Hour seamless market around the globe.

Trading when the major Forex Trading Sessions are closed results in a tight range bound market with little candles while trading around Hours when the Major Forex Trading Sessions are open results in increased volatility with candles breaking through support and resistance levels, thus forming long candle with long bodies.

Trading when there is the most volatility in the market helps traders spot great trading setups suffering less whipsaws. Observing sound and strict money management rules, you’ll lose some trades and win some but depending on your Forex Trading System your wins will cover your losses and still put some extra profits on the table.

Choosing the right time to trade is one of the very important factors that influence the success of a trader. Choosing the Forex Trading Session with the most volatility makes it easier to trade the Forex market.

It is well known that the best Forex Market Hours to trade presenting the highest volatility is when there is an overlap of two major session, for instance, the London session overlapping with the New York Session.

Tight range bound markets only creates small candles showing the market’s indecision and low volatility but it also burns you out, wasting your precious time, efforts and energy, when this happens to be the case, just turn off your PC and go have some fun, makes you feel refreshed and ready to take on the markets when you get back to trade the active Forex trading Hours with the most volatility.

My personal preference to when or what Forex Trading Session to trade is the European session because it’s got the most volatility.

Not only does increased volatility offer more profitable trading opportunities for Forex Traders but it ‘s also easier to trade not having to wait long hours before calling it a day, you can also trade lasting just a couple of hours. I also trade the Euro-US Session overlap after that, am done, because the markets just cools off letting off steam waiting until the open of the Australian and Asian Session for some action too.

The Rule

Trade European pairs such as the EURUSD during the European Session for the most volatility and the Asian pairs during the Asian session. Do not trade the quiet moment because it’s too risky and the market just isn’t gonna hand you any serious cash at this times.

Being that the internet has made trading a global thing my 8:00 am in Nigeria might just be your 2:00 am in New York. It would be stupid of me to say go trade 8:00 am that’s when the best things begin to happen. I could leave you to do the manual calculation to go find out what time or Forex trading Session to trade all by yourself but I wouldn’t do that.

There is a relatively small desktop application I use to automatically show me the Forex Times and Session am in, click the image below to go download the Forex times calculator.

Now, that’s that people, I’d love to hear what you think, I hope you enjoyed found this post informative, do not hesitate to feed us some knowledge if you feel this post is short or absent anything, we all learn from each other. As always…..

Anas Abba

(Forex Coach)



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Anas Abba is an Active Forex Trader and Fund Manager at DigiTrix Fx Firms. His "Crack-the-markets-with-your-mind" Style of trading has helped 100+ of Aspiring Forex Traders all over the world achieve their dreams of Financial Freedom Through Currency Trading. Connect With or Join His "Schooling Y'all on Forex" Community to get The Hottest Forex Trading Tips, Techniques and Strategies.


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