
Monday, 3 December 2012

Top 3 Forex Trading Scams To Beware of! Know Them Or Loose Your Money.

Newbie and Inexperienced Forex Traders fall prey to lots of Forex Trading Scams on the Internet only to Learn the Hard Way by Wasting Precious Time and Money on less than Reputable Forex Trading Systems and Automated Forex Trading Softwares.

This could be partly attributed to the fact that people love the idea of Making Money the Easy Way without Laying the proper foundation and putting in the work required to becoming Successful Forex Traders through by acquiring the needed Forex Trading Education, thus becoming victims of the Latest Hyped up, Get Rich Quick Forex Trading Robot.

The 3 Most Common Forex Trading Scams you may come across on your Journey To Forex Trading Success are what I intend to warn you about so you can become more alert and in the know the next time you receive an email about the Revolutionary Forex Trading Software to hit the market that would make you a millionaire while you sleep.

Forex Trading Scam #1

Forex Trading Robots

You wouldn’t want to Learn how to drive an Automatic Transmission before going back to a learn Manual Transmission would you? Am pretty sure you’d be a bit jittery to be the Lab Rat of some Big Automobile Manufacturer for a New Car that promises to drive itself while you just sit back and do Nothing. If the thought of that give you goose bumps, why trust your money with some Trading Robot or Automated Forex Trading Software just because the sales page you purchased it from says it works?

The Forex Market is on-looking and not the other way round, Historical Data of Trading Success does not mean the market has any obligation to behave the way it did so your Magical Forex Trading Robot could take advantage of that and make you millions of dollar from a $100 trading account, that is just not gonna work.

Most of the Forex Trading Robots on the Internet are crap and those that actually do work are owned by Large Financial Institutions and Pro Traders who actually know what they are doing trading the markets as opposed to just buying some piece of software they don’t know jack about. Even if they were to offer this softwares to the public, trust me it would be at prices you couldn’t afford, Period!

Forex Trading Scam #2

Forex Trading is as Simple as ABC…

This is another very popular line over-advertised by a lot of Forex Trading System Vendors on the world Wide Web all to eager to get you whipping out your credit card to hard them over you cash.

Trading the Forex is actually easy in a way, but not after you must have gained the Necessary Trading Education, Experience, Skills and Technique. And This, People only comes with Time, Patience and Perseverance, the Forex is a strictly No Quitters zone, if you are just looking to make some quick money clicking off some few trades with your Magic Bullet Forex Trading System, save yourself the pain and forget about trading forever.

But with that out of the way, if you actually set yourself up to successfully trade the markets learning exactly how to trade the right way, you can be sure to make a lot of money in record time with the least effort you could ever imagine. I should know this, the joys of living the life of a Trader ;-D

Trading is just like driving, in the beginning you get acquainted with the Basics and it’s kind of hard to Focus on everything all at once but with time and practice it’s becomes second Nature. Sort of like a reflex if we could call it that.

My advice for you, Invest in a proper Forex Trading Course/Mentorship Program before you even think of putting your Hard earned money in this enormous $4.5 Trillion a day Market.  

Forex Trading Scam #3

The Revolutionary Forex Trading Software that works in all Markets…

If you’ve spent any amount of Time studying the markets you should know by now that there’s no single Forex Trading Strategy that works in all market conditions. You should have different strategies and techniques you will use to exploit trending, range bound and transitioning or reversal market cycle.

The market moves in cycle known as the Mark Up, Mark Down, Accumulation/Transition, Distribution market cycles. your trading strategy has to be able to point out to you in Real-Time, what market cycle you’re and how how you should trade it to ensure the highest degree of profitability.

Wise people Learn from their mistakes while smart people Learn from the mistakes of others. if you’re really looking to make a living off of trading the Currency Market, which is entirely possible, you have to get the proper trading training and education.

Save your  Precious Time, Hard Earned Money, and Most Importantly save yourself the pain of being scammed by Forex Trading Products that promise the world only to disappoint you. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it is!

That’s all people, I would love to hear your comments don’t forget to drop them! If you have any questions, drop ‘em and I’ll be sure to get to them ASAP! Cheers.

Forex Coach,

Anas Abba   

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Anas Abba is an Active Forex Trader and Fund Manager at DigiTrix Fx Firms. His "Crack-the-markets-with-your-mind" Style of trading has helped 100+ of Aspiring Forex Traders all over the world achieve their dreams of Financial Freedom Through Currency Trading. Connect With or Join His "Schooling Y'all on Forex" Community to get The Hottest Forex Trading Tips, Techniques and Strategies.


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