Where To Get All The Forex Trading News You’ll Need To Trade Like a Pro!
Forex Trading News specially Aggregated and Published to the General Public through Forex News Websites like forexfactory.com, Bloomberg, Yahoo!Finance and a Host of others are a very good way to stay on Top of Major, Medium and Low Impact Political or News Events Relating directly or indirectly to the Currency Trading Markets.
Forex Trading News Commentary Websites like fx360.com Help to Breakdown in explicit details what effects and likely reactions to expect from Traders to be reflected in Price Action in the event of an expected or surprising consensus release figures of a particular News or Political Event.
A lot of News Traders capitalize on a surprise factor presented in the form of an unexpected deviation of the Actual News Release Figure as opposed to the Expected Forecast or Consensus Number on Major News Releases like the infamous Non Farm Payroll (NFP), Unemployment Figures and so on…
At ForexFactory you can check to see what News to expect and the days corresponding to their releases from their Trading Calendar along with a brief description of how the news event relates to the Foreign Exchange Market with Historical data and market reactions represented on a chart.
fx360 on the other hand provides in depth analysis to how the news release being expected would affect the market based on the prevailing conditions both economical and political. You even get trade triggers at key price levels you could take as Forex Trading Signals, you could even track the trade as it progresses on the official fx360 website to get a feel for their trading methodology.
Personally am not a News Trader if News Trading should be taken as placing trades a few seconds after seeing the actual releases figures in comparison to the expected or forecast figures, because this type of trading strategy takes little or no time to actually plan the trade.
Since News and Traders Psychology move the markets thus Price Movements, I Learn how to interpret News Release reactions discounted into price studying the Forex Trading Charts, I would like regard a proud Chartist, but this is just me, Find what works for you and milk it for all it’s worth!
That’s about it folks hope you found this post helpful, be sure to drop your comments and questions if you have any. That’s it people cheers…
Forex Coach
Anas Abba
Anas Abba is an Active Forex Trader and Fund Manager at DigiTrix Fx Firms. His "Crack-the-markets-with-your-mind" Style of trading has helped 100+ of Aspiring Forex Traders all over the world achieve their dreams of Financial Freedom Through Currency Trading. Connect With Anas Abba (Forex Coach) on Google+ or Join His "Schooling Y'all on Forex" Community to get The Hottest Forex Trading Tips, Techniques and Strategies.
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