
Monday, 3 December 2012

The Truth About Forex Trade Copiers And 99% of Them Suck Big Time!

Forex Trade Copiers are softwares that Automatically Copy the Trades of One Trader to the account of another Trader. To understand this better let’s use an Example, say Trader A is a Professional Forex Trader with years of Trading Experience and a Wealth of Knowledge and Skills Consistently pulling out Profits from the Foreign Exchange Market while Trader B is a New Forex trader who has no idea How To Trade The Forex, Trader A and Trader B could reach a Mutual agreement so that Trader B copies the trades of trader A through a Forex Trade Copier Software  Automatically to pay Trader A some form of Compensation.

The usual type of compensation we see Trader A asking for in the Forex comes in the form of a Monthly subscription payment or this and that, whatever! Here’s the problem, Most of the '”so called” Traders trying to get you to buy their Forex Trade Copying Services only provide you with account statement they want you to see and the duration they pick is most times very short, usually 2 months or less.

The second biggest problem is you usually do not get the guaranty of having a Reputable and Honest Intermediary standing between you and the Forex Trader, all you have is a piece of Software you have to Trust. No on looking out for the interest of Both Trader A and trader B to use our earlier example.

If you’ve been Trading for any amount of Time you should know by now that some Traders burn their Forex Trading Accounts not because they do not know how to trade but simply because they are undercapitalized. if you’re using a Forex Trade Copier and you happen to be Trader B with and account Balance of $1000.00 while Trader A whose Trades you’re copying controls a $100,000.00 account, there might likely be trades Trader A will take that would not be in line with the Proper Risk Management Rules your account might be comfortable with. Hope you getting the Idea…?

For the first time ever the Innovative minds at Instaforex, the Worlds’ Fastest Growing Forex Broker have provided a ForexCopy Trade System that Hands Down beats the Forex Trade Copier with the features listed below;

  • There is no Software Open to Virus infections or Freezing due to the Low memory on your PC or Mac, but instead a Real-Time Forex Trading Broker with Active Forex Traders all over the world, where you get to choose which Traders Trades to copy and even try out the ForexCopy system which is 100% Free to sign up for with as little as a $1.

  • You Get Real-Time access to Monitoring any ForexCopy Traders’ Performance over time periods you specify as long as you want to see to be convinced on the Traders’ Profitability so you are sure your Money isn’t going to be Traded by some Amateur Trader. No Guessing here guys, this is your Money on the Line we’re talking about.

  • You can Copy the Trades of as many Traders as you like as opposed to copying the Trades of only one Trader with the Forex Trade Copier Software, Talk about Diversifying your Portfolio! 

  • And lastly, the Instaforex Broker serves as an intermediary between both the ForexCopy Trader and Copier making sure the interests of all parties involved is looked after.

To Learn more about the Instaforex Broker ForexCopy System Visit This Link and Open a Live Forex Trading Account. You can also sign up to my “Forex Earning while you’re Learning” 5 Part Mini eCourse to get more Details on How to Make Money From The Currency Markets without ever placing a single Trade. talk about being your own Boss!

That’s it Folks hope you Learnt a thing or two from this post, I’d love to hear your comments. Do not hesitate to ask any question regarding the Forex you might have, I’ll be sure to get to them ASAP! Cheers…

Forex Coach

Anas Abba  


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Anas Abba is an Active Forex Trader and Fund Manager at DigiTrix Fx Firms. His "Crack-the-markets-with-your-mind" Style of trading has helped 100+ of Aspiring Forex Traders all over the world achieve their dreams of Financial Freedom Through Currency Trading. Connect With or Join His "Schooling Y'all on Forex" Community to get The Hottest Forex Trading Tips, Techniques and Strategies.


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